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Our Mission & Mantra

Our mission is to co-create a Global

Unified Body of Love & Consciousness by


 embodying the


presence    of Oneness & Love. To

do our part to help humanity reconnect


to the network of consciousness by

planting the seeds for the re-awakening

of our True-Self within the Human


I AM Love,

I AM A Beacon Of Light,

I Humble The Ego With Each Breath,

I Love You, As I Love Me,

Because You Are Me, We  Are One,


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Alliance For New Eartheans are ambassadors of Gaia. We represent Oneness, Love & Sovereignty. We know the power of our voice and we use it to create positive change & growth. We are here to awaken and activate the seeds of consciousness to help build a new sacred humanity. We promote being in resonance with love, harmony, balance & coherence to create progress towards a global shift in awareness to Unity Consciousness for all. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes that are necessary to co-create this shift into a higher state of being.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to be a resource center to connect humanity with information and practices that are aligned with helping Earth evolve to the next level of consciousness by activating it within ourselves first. By taking this simple but potent vow, which is

"I will awaken for the sake of the whole".

Our vision is to build an interconnected network for planetary/universal harmony to raise human consciousness to the Christic and Buddhic planes of consciousness which is metacognitive wisdom, universal love, right use of will and compassion for all beings everywhere. Alliance for New Earth is a sacred space where we embrace the power of Oneness and Love. Our mission is to elevate consciousness and inspire individuals to awaken their true potential. Through the teachings and practices you can find on here, you will be guided on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and inner peace. With a deep commitment to unity and compassion, we strive to create a world where love and consciousness are the driving forces. Join us on this extraordinary path of growth and connection, and together, let's co-create a harmonious and loving global community.

You are the first in a generation of conscious beings coming into form and you will make it possible for those that follow you to exist more easily in the higher frequencies that are now available. This is a gift, but this is a massive change. It's a tidal wave of light ascending into you as you ascend into it. 
-Paul Selig

In order for something to grow, first you must plant a seed, and that is what this is. We have planted a seed of remembrance, with nourishment, attention, and love it is growing! With all the amazing beautiful souls I meet out there (like yourself), i know this gathering in collective consciousness can only come from the love of The One! Namaste

Love Is The Only Way

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Return to your spiritual path of initiation which leads to your inner growth and the internalization of higher consciousness. This path is individualized for each soul and is under the direction of your Higher Self. Your I Am Presence will guide you without fail to that union.


Get in touch with Alliance For New Earth to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Earth (Gaia)

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